The Danish Tumbler is an elegant,
slender and rather strong pigeon with a highly carried, full
breast. The form of the head has a regular evenly curved line. The
forehead is long and filled; has no breaking or contracting at the root
of the beak. The beak is long, coneshaped and has a bright, lightly
rose-pink colour. The eyes must lie in the middle of the head, be large,
bright and vivacious with a milky white iris and a very little circular
pupil. The eyerims are narrow and lively red. The neck is long with a
well undercut throat, the breast relatively broad. The back is suitable
broad-shouldered and in parade position sloping downwards the floor,
wings tightfitted and the tail shall be narrow and short. The legs are
relatively long, slightly bent in the heel and allways red.